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LLM Showdown: Comparing ChatGPT, Gemini, and Grok for Automated News Research

The analystā€™s day is full of research. Now, this is the age of AI and AI is here to help, isnā€™t it? As everyone is talking about copilots and AI agents, why not using the tools at hand to do a little research on research. NB., no one really has a good definition of an AI agent, so this might become an additional topic for research. But I digress. Imagine the following project at hand, which is not only interesting for analysts, btw, but also for a variety of roles in the corporate world. Letā€™s call it vendor (competitor) monitoring. The job is the following: Research reputable sites for news about a number of vendors, relating to a set of keywords. Reputable sites are high quality news sites, high quality tech publications, high quality analyst sites and, of course the news pages of the vendors in question. Limit the time frame of the search matching to the cadence of my information requirement, e.g., ā€œyesterdayā€ for a daily update or ā€œlast weekā€ for a weekly update. Provide a summary ...
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How to Get From Excel-Mania to Enterprise Reporting

ZohoDay 2025 offered the possibility for some good conversations with Zoho enterprise customers about their journey with Zoho. Another in-depth conversation I had during this event was with Adrian Castellanos of Selectra . Selectra is a French company that was founded in 2007. It specializes in helping customers, mainly consumers, compare and move between energy providers. From this segment, the company has expanded into other segments, with the mission to make the managing of utility bills simpler, cheaper, and greener. The company has more than 2,000 employees and is active in 17 countries across Europe, APAC and America. As Selectraā€™s business model is highly digital and fast moving, it requires strong, ideally real-time analytics capabilities to provide its services. Due to operating in different countries and different verticals, reporting processes have been based on Microsoft Excel, with these Excels differing across countries and even across verticals.  Castellanos says th...

ZohoDay 2025 Brings Enterprise Swagger to the Lake

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Sweet Transformation: Inside SugarCRMā€™s New Direction

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SAP belittles its CX chops - and why this is dangerous

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