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Showing posts from February, 2022

The Return of the Undead - Do they go B2B or B2C?

In the first part of this article, I explained why there is no metaverse (yet), although the idea is around for quite some years. Despite the current hype, it is just a re-emerging topic. Foundational technologies like  VR are around since as long as the 50s  although VR really entered our minds only in the 90s. The Virtual Reality Modeling Language  VRML  got standardized in 1994 and its successor  X3D  in 2004.  Half Life  with the first highly immersive world was released in 1998. I went into some definition and laid out a framework for a kind of an architecture that can support whatever this idea evolves into, with some emphasis on common standards and some governance. These are necessary, because the metaverse is nothing more than a platform of platforms, which means that at the end of the day it is a kind of a protocol.  Or else we will see a collection of (competing) multiverses. I closed with some questions that need to be answered. Ā·...

Metaverse - The Return of the Undead

There. Is. No. Metaverse. I am sorry to be a party pooper but read me out. It doesnā€™t exist. At least not yet. And not for quite some years to come. I am talking of a decade or more. Perhaps not ever. And whence it comes, it probably looks different from what we see now, and we will likely call it by a different name. Does this statement surprise you? I mean, many people, companies and investors are looking at metaverse as being the next big thing. Crunchbase already in November 2021  reported more than $10.6bn being invested  into metaverse related startups. According to a Galaxy  report quoted by Institutional Investor , crypto and blockchain startups alone collected more than $32bn in 2021.  Microsoft just invested a whopping $70bn in Activision Blizzard , which is clearly a metaverse play. So much money cannot be wrong, right? Google trends also suggests that there is quite some interest in these topics that came up quite recently and quite suddenly, which means ...

Azure vs. AWS - Who owns the crown?

A short while ago, on January 25, Microsoft reported its Q2/2022 numbers and on February 3, Amazon reported its Q4/2021 and the fiscal year 2021 results. With that, we have two of the biggest IaaS and PaaS vendors presenting growth numbers.  Of course, and as usual, they are doing their utmost to make them kind of incomparable, as their services are not covering the same scope. Still, let me take a stab at creating some kind of comparatibility. Detailed functional scope apart, the Microsoft area that can get compared most meaningfully is the Intelligent Cloud division. This consists of two parts, the Azure and other cloud services and server products, which Microsoft reports separately.  As you can see in the diagram, overall revenue grew with 26% year over year. In more detail, Azure grew 46% and the the server products part grew 6%. The question that, of course, is not answered, is how much revenue does Microsoft make with Azure? Amazon today reported AWS re...