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Showing posts from February, 2017

Trust in Crisis - Customer Experience is the Way Out Kartha Trust is eroding. Not only in governments and media as we could clearly observe but also in independent organizations like NGOs and businesses. And in business leaders, experts, even into the famed ā€˜people like meā€™. According to the recently published 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer NGOs and businesses are barely not distrusted. Especially businesses are now on the brink of distrust. They are often seen as part of the problem: While Automation may be good on a society level there are vital job concerns for individuals. Wealth distribution becomes increasingly unequal. While societies improve economically this is not felt on an individual level. In fact, amongst those who think that the current social-economic system is failing only NGOs are not actively distrusted. On the other hand amongst those who are uncertain about the current system businesses are the most trusted entities. So there is a way! Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2017 A Fo...

Gartner MQ BI and Analytics Platforms - Lots of Movement!

Gartner MQ BI and Analytics Platforms - Comparison 2016 to 2017 Last week Gartner published the updated version of its Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, and I need to say that there has been a lot of movement in both directions, up as well as down. There has been a lot of reshuffling especially in the Visionaries quadrant. This can partly be attributed to a changing market that caused Gartner to combine a few of last yearā€™s assessment criteria as well as adding two more critical criteria as below: Critical Capabilities Dropped or Changed: Ā·        Combined BI Platform Administration with Security and User Administration Ā·        Modified Data Source Connectivity to Data Source Connectivity and Ingestion Ā·        Combined Publish Analytics Content and Collaboration and Social BI to Publish, Share and Collaborate on Analytic Content Ā·   ...

Apple Pay strangles Banks!? Poor Banks Rollo In the past days two interesting articles around banking and banking innovation found their ways into my browser. One by Knowledge@Wharton on ā€œ How Banks Can Keep Up With Digital Disruptors ā€ and the second one by Mobile Commerce Daily on ā€œ How four Australian banks are challenging Appleā€™s stranglehold on mobile payments ā€. The first article is essentially stating that banks are not using the ā€œessential assets need to turn aside many of the assaults on their business now underway from fintechā€, while the second one seems to sing the song of the poor banks that are held at a disadvantage by evil Apple. The four banks that challenge Apple are Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank, and Westpac. Another large bank, ANZ Bank, cooperates with Apple by offering their customers to import cards into the Apple Wallet and using Apple Pay, and is not involved. But what do the banks want? According to the article the...