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Showing posts from January, 2017

Customers dump Companies for Poor Service? Yeah, right!

Customers dump Companies due to bad experiences. Source: Rightnow Customer Experience Report Customer experience and customer experience management is all about technology and its right use. This is what many of the articles that one could read on various platforms can make one think. Just that it isnā€™t. I guess I contributed my share to this misconception, too. My excuse is that I am a techie by trade and at heart. Sure, technology is a part of delivering a good customer experience but there is much more to it. Technology enables the digital presence of a business and helps its employees delivering better experiences ā€“ if available and used. But delivering a good customer experience first and foremost involves people, then policy and process. Technology is the last priority contributing, it is an enabler, a means to an end ā€“ not the end itself. On the other hand there are reports over reports saying that customers stop doing business with a company after bad...

SAP Earnings 2016 - A Snap Analysis

On January 24, 2017 SAP released its results of their fiscal year 2016 ā€“ and the fourth quarter thereof. In a nutshell SAP: Ā·       Delivered to its increased 2020 guidance Ā·       Had an increase of 31 per cent in cloud subscription and support revenue, while still being able to increase the software license and support revenue.   Cloud revenue increased especially in Q4 and promises to stay at a high level with a very healthy backlog Ā·       Increased its full year operating profit by 20 per cent to 5.12 Billion Euro (IFRS) Ā·       Has a strong backlog of cloud bookings This success has a slightly negative effect on the company profitability while it negotiates the shift from license revenue to subscription revenue while being in an investment mode. It, however, seems to be driven by an increasing adoption of S/4HANA, a strong increase of the Hybris set of CEC solut...

AI and Bots will Kill our Future - Or Not

Terminator After the Hype 2016 has been the year of bots, AI, and automation the beginning of 2017 seems to be the time of looking at wider implications. There is a lot of discussion going on in academia, politics, and on the web, e.g. the one spurred by Denis Pombriant with a very readable article , and two follow-ups here and here , in November and December 2016. Denis, supported by Vinnie Mirchandani , took a very optimistic stance ā€“ something that is highly important in times of simplification and pessimism. There is no doubt in my mind that technologies that are driven by artificial intelligence can have a tremendous benefit for both, companies and organizations, as well as consumers. Consumer technology like Amazonā€™s Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, generally intelligent home automation, self driving cars, etc., can simplify peoplesā€™ lives tremendously by taking away routine activities or making it just easier to execute them. Organizations can create improved custom...